Four Symbols of Reiki

I wanted to expand on Reiki a little more and give you the names of symbols that I use on clients and teach to my students. These are sacred healing symbols which enhance your Life Force Energy. Also, these are keys that help open doors for you to reach higher levels of awareness and help you manifest what you desire to create.

Reiki Distancing Healings is something I started to do over the pandemic years. I have found them to work very well. Prior to that my clients were coming into the office, and I did hands on as was taught to me in 2004. This new approach offers clients the option to be at home and relaxed in their own environment.

Cho Ku-Re Reiki symbol of Power

As Reiki Master I use four “keys” for focusing the intent: these have been handed down through time.

Four Symbols of Reiki are:

Cho Ku-Re: the Power Symbol, referred to in Japan. This symbol is for increased energy.

Sie He Ki Reiki emotional healing symbol

Sei He Ki: this symbol is the Emotional Healing symbol. This symbol works on the cause of the disease, which is often hidden in the subconscious mind. This symbol will balance the right and left brain.

Hon Sha Ze Sho Nen: Reiki symbol to bridge time.

Hon Sha Ze Sho Nen: this is the symbol I can send across the room, across town or other parts of the country. Distance is no barrier. I can use this symbol to bridge time both past and future. When I use this symbol, I am saying “The awakened Heart in me greets the Awakened Heart in You.”

Dai Ko Myo is the Reiki Master Symbol

Dai Ko Myo is my Master Symbol. Its essence is the Light of Buddha, The Light of Awakened Heart. It also signifies expanded wisdom and clairvoyance.

It has been my intent to share more information on Reiki. I love Reiki, but I also have many other tools in my toolbox that I will be writing about. All the different healing methods can be interchangeable, for some may resonate with another method better so we have many ways to work with you.

Please remember all healing is self-healing. I always recommend that clients continue to see their regular medical doctors and that my work complements medicine. My energy work is not a substitute for conventional medical diagnosis or treatment of psychological conditions. For such issues you should seek the proper licensed physician or healthcare professional. I am a minister and believe that all healing is spiritual in nature. 



Disclaimer. Reiki is NOT a substitute for treatments prescribed by a doctor. Many benefits have been experienced by those who have received treatments. Reiki complements the healing process, and you will absorb the amount of energy you need.