Recently we had the pleasure of interviewing reverend Pamela Welsh, the founder of Light Touch Energetics, holistic healing center in San Rafael, California. She is the best at explaining to someone how Remote Pet Healing works.

Q: What type of animals do you work on remotely? Can you name a few? Do they have to be domestic animals? Can they be wild animals?
A: I mainly work with domestic dogs and cats, sometimes horses. As far as wild animals go, if I see one in distress I do say hello to them as a spirit in the body and send them some corrections. Just recently I saw a cat that could not put the right paw down so was hobbling on three legs. I first tried to catch it, but it got away and hid from me. At that time, I worked on the cat’s paw and leg. Several days later I saw the cat walking on all four paws. No limp!

Q: Could you please explain for those that don’t know, how does remote healing work on animals? What is your process? Do you have to see them in person, or can it be a photo?
A: Our pets have the same health concerns as humans. As with humans, I first say hello to them as spirit in the body and scan for possible location of pain, because of traumas. Testing if pain is the result of fetal birth, physical, emotional. I do not need to see them in person. Photo is nice but I can work without it.

remote healing for petsQ: What are the potential benefits of remote healing for pets?
A: The benefits of the pet having remote healings is that they are at home where they are most comfortable. They do not have to adjust to new surroundings when not feeling well.

Q: What type of conditions or issues can remote healing address in pets?
A: I can work on the physical along with emotional, mental, spiritual and psychological. On the physical it may be from surgery or an accident, on the mental we need to remember that animals think, although without words and we need to be tuned in on the telepathic level. On the spiritual level they do have issues and events that affect them. Psychologically pets “pick up” on the state of the humans in the house and any discords so like to work with the owners as well.

Q: What type of modalities do you use on animals and why?
A: The two main methods I use are the Chinese Energetic Method, and Reiki. They are the most effective on animals on remote healings.

Q: Can a pet owner see a difference in their pet’s behavior after a single session? Or do you need multiple sessions? And why?
A: That depends on the issue we need to work on. Sometimes an owner can see the difference while I am working and with others, we need more sessions.

Q: What type of changes can be noticed in a pet after a remote healing session?
A: They are most likely much calmer. Often, they nap and let the body calibrate what has just transpired.

Q: Are remote healing sessions for pets always successful?
A: No, not always but the majority of the time they do help and if really sick it complements the veterinary visits. Animals just like humans can on a spiritual level decide what they will do with their body.

Q: During your remote healing session for pets, how much involvement is there for a human, the pet owner?
A: I always want the pet owners to be involved. I try to teach them techniques so they can work with the pet between sessions. I also tell them if they may need a veterinarian on board with us.